Fiscal Administration 9th Edition PDF Download Ebook. John Mikesell shows how public budgets operate and gives you the opportunity to crunch the numbers. With actual data from the U.S. federal budget, including its breakdown, you can see for yourself how policymakers allocate money. Each chapter illustrates concepts and issues with case studies from the private sector as well as from public finance.
This text is based on two principles: that students must understand precisely where the money for public budgets comes from, and that students must "run the numbers" to effectively learn public finance and budgeting. Author gives students detailed instruction to equip them to deal with the complex issues and calculations they will encounter in the field.
Most chapters include questions and exercises that require calculations to determine the answers. Also included are "Cases for Discussion" and "Sidebars" that supplement the objectives with more in-depth treatment of key topics. This new edition includes the budget information from the Obama administration and the latest federal government fiscal data.
Updated key features include an in-depth analysis of the most recent federal budget and the latest tax data available, offering students insight into the financial state of the country. The author presents extensive coverage of the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) for the federal budget-making process. Chapter-ending "Questions and Exercises" challenge students with both quantitative and qualitative solutions to fiscal problems drawn from federal, state, and local government levels.
Federal tax reform proposals, including President's Tax Reform Panel deliberations, are thoroughly covered. "Cases for Discussion" present real-world contemporary cases that encourage students to think critically about how government finance works. Each case includes questions that prompt students to analyze and debate fiscal applications in the public sector. New cases and sidebars have been added in this edition.
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