Economics and the Business Environment 3rd Edition PDF Download Ebook. John Sloman and Elizabeth Jones present the essential principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics applied to the world of business while also looking at wider, topical business issues, such as business strategy, corporate social responsibility, ethics and the state of the global environment in which we live.
All cases are thoroughly updated. Several new boxes include business strategies in recessionary times, the Internet and labor mobility, and from golden to temporary fiscal rules. There is complete coverage of the of the credit crunch, financial crisis and measures to promote recovery.
Key ideas run through the book and are examined in different contexts. New terms are clearly explained when they first appear. A vast range of cases demonstrate how economics can be used to understand real business situations, such as the London Olympics, investing in China and companies such as Samsung, Dyson, Body Shop and The Gap.
This book covers the application of game theory to business situations, transactions cost analysis, the economics of entrepreneurship, business ethics and corporate social responsibility and the competitive advantage of nations. The list of business issues covered at the start of each chapter is now accompanied by a chapter map showing the topics to be covered and their respective pages. This book is ideal for both introductory courses in economics taught from business perspective and business environment modules with an economic underpinning.
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